Monday 30 March 2009

Scream Franchise

The scream movies were a big hit amongst lovers of the slasher genre of movie as it revealed a different aspect to the killings and the slasher genre as a whole. The previous movies were all about the killers being more controlled and more sinister, however in these movies the killers are more active, which could have been seen from Freddy kruger.

The props and all of the weaponry used in the scream movies are similar to the props and the weaponery that were used in other slasher movies, for example the knife that the killer uses is the same type of weapon used as michael myers, jason and even freddy, as the knife being a phallic symbol but it also is chosen as the slasher weapon as it receives a more visceral effect from the audience. This movie revitalized the slasher genre since the 1970's to the 1980's as it used a similar concept to Halloween, which was the concept of the 'tongue in cheek' approach that combined straightforward scares with dialogue that satirized slasher film conventions.

Scream became a major commercial success upon its release, and was one of the highest grossing films of 1996. It was also highly acclaimed by many critics worldwide, who appreciated the film's tongue-in-cheek approach. It received an 84% "fresh" rating on As a result it spawned two sequels, Scream 2 and Scream 3. A fourth film was announced by The Weinstein Company in July 2008.

The pastiche element of scream is noticeable within all of the scream movies. The meaning of the term pastiche is used to describe a piece or section that is directly imitating another piece of work of other artists but in this case imitating the works of other movies. This can be seen through the concept that has been used of the tongue in cheek approach which was used in this movie.The meaning of the word inter textual is the blending and the coming together of two or more pieces of work, so in this case the blending of two or more movies which have been placed together to create one or reveal a meaning of the text.

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