Friday, 24 April 2009

Compare two examples, from different decades, of any media genre of your choice. Describe and account for the major differences and Similarities betwe

I will talk about the narrative, and TA. E.g. they are both different because the 2nd one changes slightly to appeal to the current audience. E.g. they are going to the concert and not to see their relative’s graves. TCM1 historical and eco changes occurred

Para 1:
The killer and differences and how the mask is better in the newer one. I will also mention the advancement of technology, phallic objects

Para 2:
The same genre codes, e.g. final girl and the mad house/ Have group of friends- which get lost

Para 3:
Blood and more gruesome in the new one, censorship etc... Deaths scenes are more visible etc..

Para 4:
The family members-younger wants to save the friends, Propp theoryTodorv theory- Ending is diff

Conclusion: the changes are differ, because the TA was different, diff era, TCM1 was following Psycho – the granddaddy of slasher, and TCM2 was more modern to show the era diff

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